Keekli Reporter, 21st June, 2019, Shimla
A function was organized on the occasion of the International Yoga Day by the NSS Unit of St. Bede’s College, as the lamp was lighted by Sr. Marina, Nandini Pathania, Nita Khanna, Susheel Gupta and Reena Thakur followed by a welcome speech by Manu Mahajan. An educative and illustrative presentation was given by students, that explained how yoga re-energizes the body and its benefits for an individual’s overall mental and physical health.
Then came the yoga session in which the staff members and the students participated enthusiastically, led by Neja Ram, DPI. The first asana was Surya Namaskar which includes 12 mudras helping in rejuvenating the body. After this a collective recital of ‘OM’ and Gayatri Mantra took place, thereafter pranayam including kapal bharti, anulom vilom and brihastika were practiced by all. Vajrasana followed by bhadrasana, shashankasana, paschimotasana and gomukhasana kept the body alert. These asanas ended with shavasana which helped in relaxing the body. Returning to sukhasana the group chanted ‘Om Shanti’ which was a prelude to a one minute meditation enhancing one’s concentration.
It was a positive and transcendental experience with soft music and mantras chanting in the background.