March 12, 2025

Animation and Documentary Films Screening to Mark International Day of Girl -2020


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Mumbai, Oct. 10

Films Division is showcasing select animation and documentary films to mark the International Day of the Girl on 11th October, 2020. The films will be streamed on and

The special package includes Chimukali – Save the girl child (3 Min) an animation film on saving the girl child and stopping female foeticide followed by documentaries Education-Only Her Future (5 Min), Pratibha (20 Min.), Kuldeepak (60 Min.), My Fairy – My Strength (39 Min.) and Roshini (58 Min).

Every year on 11th October, the International Day of the Girl, UNICEF launches an annual campaign with girls to amplify their voices and stand up for their rights. This year’s theme is  “My voice, our equal future”,  seizing  the opportunity to re-imagine a better world inspired by adolescent girls – energized and recognized, counted and invested in. The films being screened too amplify the voice of girls and those who are in the forefront of saving girl child from all kinds of exploitation.

Daily News Bulletin

Keekli Bureau
Keekli Bureau
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