
A gift of nature as well as science, medicine has evolved just as man and his environment. With the human system undergoing tremendous changes, medicine has offered solutions and increased longevity of life. However, it has not been an overnight miracle of wonderful discoveries and inventions. Here’s a look at the revolutionary wonder pills and an effort to bring home their journey.

Dr. Karan Sood, The Ketan K Foundation

Hospice Care & Palliative Care|Non Profit Organisation;| [email protected]; +91-911-5931100

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for informational and educational purpose only, you may contact Dr Karan Sood or consult your doctor for more details about different vaccinations. The disclaimer also provides that no warranties are give in relation to the medical information supplied on the website, and that no liability will accrue to the website owner in the event that a user suffers loss as a result of reliance upon the information.



Most vaccines are safe and can be administered in the presence of a recent mild illness, including low-grade fever. Vaccine recommendations change frequently; for up-to-date information regarding current vaccination recommendations, parents should refer to and


Annual influenza vaccine is recommended for all persons aged >50 years; adults who are immunosuppressed or have chronic cardio-vascular…



A new tetanus-diphtheria acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine is recommended for adolescents in place of the current tetanus-diphtheria vaccine…



Pneumococcal Vaccine

Pneumococcal vaccine is associated with substantial reductions in morbidity and mortality among the elderly and high-risk adults…


Tetanus and Diphtheria

Booster tetanus diphtheria toxoid (Td) vaccinations are recommended every 10 years (as is provision of initial series…



Measles, Mumps, and Rubella

Adults born before 1957 are generally considered immune to measles and mumps, but not necessarily to rubella….


Human Papilloma Virus

The ACIP recommends routine vaccination of females aged 11- 12 years and those <26 years who have not been previously…



Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A vaccine is routine for all infants 12-23 months of age, with a second dose 6 months later…


Hepatitis B

Children are routinely vaccinated against hepatitis B. All adolescents and young adults not immunized in childhood…




Varicella vaccination is recommended for all children. Vaccination should be considered for any adult not immunized…


Varicella Zoster Virus

Varicella zoster virus (VZV) vaccine has been endorsed by the ACIP for use in immunocompetent adults aged 60 years…



Meningococcal Vaccine

A single dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) is recommended for all 11- to 12-year-olds…





