A Spokesperson of H.P State Disaster Management Authority here today informed that Computer Society of India on 20th CSI SIG e-Governance Awards 2022, held at New-Delhi, has awarded H.P. State Disaster Management Authority, NIC and Department of Energy ‘Award of Recognition’ for Large Dams Safety Analysis MIS. He said that The State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) in collaboration with Directorate of Energy, GoHP has developed a web portal through NIC wherein all daily dam safety parameters are uploaded by each Dam Authority thrice a day by the dam authorities.
He said that in case of any eventuality important information is shared immediately so that daily monitoring can be taken up and in any disaster situation which may happen due to heavy rainfall, cloud burst, GLOF etc. The portal (www.hpsdmaplan.nic.in/dams/) is quite useful and it is being up graded on providing other vital information as well by linking it to other departments. Principal Secretary (Revenue), Onkar Chand Sharma, has appreciated the efforts of Disaster Management Cell, DOE and NIC to develop such a portal which will help in disaster preparedness and response. He said that the creation of this web portal has helped the user departments to monitor various dam safety parameters at a single platform and in maintaining a database of various parameters which can be used to study the flow pattern of the various River basins and Dam Safety related information.