All India Girls Trekking Expedition concludes on a high note


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The All India Girls Trekking Expedition, a significant event held in the scenic town of Dharamshala, saw enthusiastic participation from cadets across various directorates, including Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, and Jammu & Kashmir. The expedition was marked by the leadership and guidance of Camp Commandant Colonel Sanjay Shandil.

Colonel Sanjay Shandil initiated the trek to Indru Nag, ensuring the cadets were well-prepared and motivated. This challenging trek provided a platform for cadets to test their endurance and experience the breathtaking views of Dharamshala. The diverse group of cadets experienced the camaraderie and teamwork essential in such expeditions.

Throughout the camp, cadets enjoyed the mesmerizing landscapes of Dharamshala. The expedition was not only a test of physical endurance but also an opportunity for the cadets to immerse themselves in the natural beauty and cultural richness of the region.

In his closing address, Colonel Sanjay Shandil expressed his heartfelt gratitude towards all participants, including the cadets, ANOS, GCI, volunteers, and camp members. He commended everyone’s efforts and contributions, highlighting the success of the expedition.

Colonel Shandil inspired the cadets to strive for excellence in their lives, encouraging them to contribute positively to society. He emphasized the importance of perseverance, dedication, and the spirit of adventure.

Colonel Shandil honored the volunteers from Dharamshala Degree College with appreciation certificates, recognizing their invaluable support during the camp. His words of encouragement and blessings to the cadets were a testament to his commitment to nurturing young talent and instilling a sense of patriotism.

The All India Girls Trekking Expedition concluded on a high note, with Colonel Sanjay Shandil’s leadership and motivation leaving a lasting impact on all participants. His emphasis on achieving excellence and serving the nation resonated deeply with the cadets, making the expedition a memorable and inspiring experience.

The expedition not only fostered a spirit of adventure but also reinforced the values of teamwork, resilience, and dedication among the cadets, ensuring they are better prepared for future challenges and responsibilities.


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