The Agniveer recruitment rally 2024, organized by the Army Recruitment Office Shimla, took place in Rampur Bushahr from 03 September to 09 September 2024. Youth from Shimla, Sirmour, Solan, and Kinnaur actively participated in the rally, going through a rigorous selection process.

Colonel Pushwinder Kaur, Recruitment Director, highlighted that registration for the recruitment process was conducted from 13 February to 22 March 2024, with the Common Entrance Examination (CEE) held between 22 April and 03 May 2024. After the results were declared on 28 May 2024, selected candidates were called for document verification at the Army Recruitment Office Shimla.
The recruitment process involved a physical fitness test that included a 1.6 km run, 9-feet long jump, zig-zag balancing test, and other physical evaluations. The participants also underwent a medical examination and documentation verification. The rally was well-organized with the involvement of officers from various army recruitment offices, including Palampur, Charkhi Dadri, Mandi, Hisar, and Hamirpur.
The youth expressed satisfaction with the facilities provided, and the results of the rally will be sent to the candidates via their registered email IDs. This recruitment drive marked a significant effort to engage and enroll youth from Himachal Pradesh into the prestigious Agniveer program.