March 12, 2025

Beti Hai Anmol Yojna Proves Beneficial to 1,03,622 Girls


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State Government is committed to empower girls of Himachal Pradesh and with a view to ensure a respectful place in society for the girl child, various welfare schemes and awareness campaigns are being implemented in the state. Beti Hai Anmol Yojna is proving beneficial in providing financial assistance to eligible needy families. Under the scheme, post birth grant of Rs. 12 thousand is being given upto two girl child of the identified families living below poverty line. The scheme aims to improve sex ratio and to help girls to become self reliant and independent. The amount of Rs. 12 thousand is being deposited into the bank or post office account of the girl child, which can be withdrawn on completion of 18 years of age.

Scholarship is also provided to the girl child, from schooling till graduation on annual basis. An amount of Rs. 450 is provided to girl child studying in class 1st upto 3rd standard, Rs. 750 in class 4th, Rs. 900 in class 5th, Rs. 1050 per annum from 6th to 7th standard, Rs. 1200 per annum in class 8th, Rs. 1500 per annum in class 9th and 10th, Rs. 2250 per annum in class 11th and 12th and rupees five thousand per annum at graduation. Under Beti Hai Anmol Yojna since 1 January, 2018 till 30 June, 2021 an amount of Rs. 3091.56 lakh has been spent, benefitting 16443 girl child in first phase and 87179 girls in second phase. In the year 2018-19 with an expenditure of Rs. 1131.45 lakh about 5730 girl child have benefitted in first phase, where as in second phase 25718 girls have availed the benefit of the scheme.

In the year 2019-20, an amount of Rs. 1211.68 has been spent to benefit 5929 girl child in first phase and 34926 girls in second phase. In the year 2020-21, with an expenditure of Rs. 748.43 lakh, 4784 girls have availed the benefit of the scheme in first phase, whereas 26535 girls have benefitted from the scheme in the second phase under the scheme. Besides this, for betterment of the girl child and to make them self reliant, the state government has also announced a provision of post birth grant of Rs. 21 thousand in the shape of fixed deposit at the time of birth of girl child by rationalizing and unifying the scheme with Beti Hai Anmol Yojna.

Daily News Bulletin


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