March 12, 2025

Chief Minister Provides Financial Assistance to Pooja Soni and Sakshi


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Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur provides financial assistance to Pooja Soni of village Kothi in tehsil Ghumarwin of district Bilaspur and Sakshi of village Ramnagar in tehsil Sarkaghat of district Mandi, in view of the economically weak condition of their family. Sakshi informed the Chief Minister about her weak financial condition. She said that her father works as a labourer and her mother is also unwell. She and her sister Mehak want to continue their studies, but due to lack of funds it was difficult for them to continue their studies.

Pooja Soni of district Bilaspur also approached Chief Minister with similar financial constraints. Pooja Soni informed the Chief Minister that she has two daughters, out of which one daughter is specially abled and due to no fixed means of livelihood, she was facing difficulty in treatment of her daughter.

In view of the weak financial condition of Pooja and Sakshi, the Chief Minister approved financial assistance of Rs. 50 thousand each.
Pooja and Sakshi have expressed their gratitude to the Chief Minister for this financial assistance.

Daily News Bulletin

Keekli Bureau
Keekli Bureau
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