Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the 2nd Meeting of National Committee of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav through video conference from New Delhi today. Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur also attended the meeting virtually from Mandi. Home Minister Amit Shah welcomed the Prime Minister and other dignitaries attending the meeting. It would be pertinent to mention that Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav festival celebrates the rapid strides that India has taken in the past 75 years. This festival encourages us to rediscover our hidden strengths and prompts us to take sincere, synergistic action to regain our rightful place in the comity of nations. In the State of Himachal Pradesh, Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav was started on 12th March, 2021 from the Ridge Shimla.
Two committees at State level have been constituted in which the State level committee is headed by the Chief Minister and Chief Secretary. The district level committees have been constituted under the respective Deputy Commissioners. Various programmes were being organized in different parts of the State to mark the occasion and 75 villages of the State had been selected under the ‘Gaon Ki Kahani’ campaign. In order to make the State a plastic free State, the State Government has decided to organize ‘Plastic Swachhata Abhiyan’ in the State. The State Rural Development was organizing events such as tree plantation, Shramdan, Swachhata Samwad, Swachata Rath Yatra, Harit Gram Saptah etc. Similarly, other departments were also organizing various events through-out the State to mark the occasion.