Commodore Amit Rastogi (Retd), after an illustrious career of 34 years in Indian Navy has taken over as Chairman & Managing Director of National Research Development Corporation on 18 October, 2021. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from JNU, Master’s degree in Electronics &Telecommunication form Poona University and M.Sc. (Defence & strategic studies) from Madras University. He is also a distinguished alumnus of Defence Services Staff College Wellington and College of Defence Management, Secunderabad.
An avid technologist who has held diverse portfolios in Indian Navy and carries rich experience in induction of missile systems, state-of-the-art technology intensive combat systems, Phased array radars, Communication equipment etc for warships through Indigenous development and TOT route and simultaneous engagement of R&D community, Academia and Industry. He was earlier, Director, Electrical Engineering at Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence for five years and Additional General Manager Tech Services at Naval Dockyard for two years.
He also held the position of Deputy Director General Quality Assurance for five years and Director, Electrical Trials Modification Authority for two years. He is a fitness enthusiast, an Isha meditator, keen golfer and Randonneur (Long distance cyclist). NRDC is an enterprise of DSIR, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It engages in the development, promotion and transfer of technologies emanating from various national R&D institutions.