Keekli Reporter, 12th September, 2013, Shimla
The energetic slogans and cheering by respective House representatives was quite evident as one walked in through the Auckland House School gates, warmly greeted by teachers welcoming the parents for the Annual Middle Section Sports Day, 2013. The Chief Guest Abhishek Dular (IPS), Superintendent of Police, Shimla was prompt and soon the Sports Day began with the March Past by all the students of the Middle Section.
An elaborate and lively performance was presented by the students as the event began with the PT display by Form IV using dumbbells, which was followed by an awesome flexible performance by Form III who showed us the benefits of Yoga. These young souls emphasized on the fact that few minutes of some Yogic moves can surely make your body flexible and brighten your day with a healthy feeling.
Then came Form V students with a colourful PT display using sticks who mesmerized the audience and rocked the floor with their moves, which was followed by Form VI students with their acrobatics flips, swings and swirls. The gymnastics and karate routines were equally captivating as these young girls proved that they too were definitely better than the boys and were ready to face any challenges. The dexterity and agility was clearly visible through their skills of breaking not just single but double and triple layers of tiles with their heads, elbows and hands.
“Bring on the competition”! That was the clear message sent through the slogan shouting and cheering by various House students as the races began. Cheers and loud claps could be heard from the corners of various Houses — French, Durrant, Matthew and Lefroy. The first competition began with the Obstacle Race which was won by Heena Thakur, Apurva Negi and Navya Tegta in the first group and then Samriti Kaith, Sakshi Chandel and Zoe Angeline excelled in the second group. Points were awarded to each house according to the winning positions, which was added to the grand total of the previous House standings. The Baton Relay winners were Ibadat Bramta, Aishewarya Dhanta and Shiwangi Premi in the first group followed by Harkim Brar and Sakshi Chandel in the second group.
The 50 mts Hopping Race was won by Pranjal Thakur, Jannat Brar and Punthita in the first group, while Neha Kumari, Soshimla and Sharrin won the hopping race in the second group. The 50 mts Skipping Race medals were bagged by Pranjal Thakur, Shivangi Premi and Rhythna Dass. The One Legged Relay was won by Shivangi Premi and Jasmine Nagra in the first group and Sakshi Chandel, Harkim Brar and Phitsinee in the second group.
Roller Skating Races were a delight to watch as despite the balancing acts and final falls, students got up to complete the races. The results for this event were — Form III: Yasmeen Kaur, Anusha Thakur, Avanshika Chauhan; Form IV: Momoko Chaya, Asmita S Thakur, Aprajita Manta; Form V: Navya Johal, Hartim Brar, Mahima Narayan; Form VI: Jannat Brar, Jasmine Kaur, Kavya Garg. The Musical Chair race was won by Parnaz Kaur Mann and Pranjal Chauhan.
The results of events which were held prior to the main day event were as follows —- Soft Ball, 1st group: Heena Thakur; Ibadat Bramta; Jasmeen K Nagra; Soft Ball, 2nd group: Samriti Kaith; Soshimla and Gayaki Pannu and Navya Tegta for third position together; 100 mts Race: Subhdra Singh; Rhythm Dass, Navya Tegta in the first group; 100 mts Race: Soshimla, Samriti Kaith and Phtsinee; 50 mts Sack Race — Zoe Angeline, Soshimla Shaize and Neha Kumari; Skipping Relay was won by Shivangi Premi and Vasvi Chauhan; Ball Relay was won by Harkim Brar, Sharrin Verma and Phitsinee. The prize for the best gymnast was awarded to Shreya Chauhan.
The final positions at the end of the day were Matthew House 1st, French House 2nd, Durrant House 3rd and Lefroy House 4th and hence the Sports Shield was lifted by Matthew House.
When children show such sportsmanship and high spirits then parents too cannot be left behind as moms and dads were equally excited and participated enthusiastically in these races. The winners among ladies were Sheela Thakur, Attu Verma and Neha Sharma where as among men the winners were Anil Nanta, Deepak Vyas and Ajay Minhas.
The Chief Guest, Abhishek Dular congratulated and commended the students for such a brilliant performance and the agility with which they all performed. In his address, he laid emphasis on the relevance of competitions and how important they are in today’s scenario as at every step we are faced with various challenges and contents. He further elaborated on the pros and advantages of sports and said, “A healthy mind stays in a healthy body. We can perform better if we develop few good habits and inculcate those in our daily routines. Despite the fact that it is difficult to make a career in sports when compared to other academic streams, but times are changing and soon sports too would gain the recognition it so eagerly awaits”.
Auckland House School Principal, Sunita John was all praises for her teachers and support staff who organized and presented such an amazing show. She applauded as well as highly praised the students who had put in such hard work and showed great sportsmanship in making this Sports Day a grand success.



