Keekli Reporter, 6th August, 2014, Shimla
The festival of love, happiness and a promise — a promise of the brothers with their sisters, Rakhi was celebrated in the Seplings Play School on 6th August, 2014, with great fervor and zeal as 25 tiny tots participated in the celebrations. Shining stars of Spelings School, Agrima, Nanaya, Ishan, Sambhavi, Shaurya, Satvaya, Tribhuvan, Pari, Aina, Shyam, Bhavika, Yashika, Yanshu, Reet and Gaurish, highlighted the significance of this day by presenting a wonderful dance and singing performances on the stage.
School Principal Kusum Kuthiala expressed her views on the celebration of this auspicious day by saying that “Love has different expressions. The love of a brother and a sister is one of the purest forms of it. This sweet bond between a brother and a sister was expressed by the students, when they made lovely Rakhi’s truly depicting their love and feelings for their near and dear ones. These kinds of activities not only provide an opportunity to the students to show their creativity but also brings them closer to our culture. The day was surely very enjoyable for all the students. Indian culture is unique and it is one of the oldest cultures of the world. Every aspect of Indian culture is distinctive. The way of living, dressing, eating in India is inimitable. It is necessary to make our children aware of this rich Indian culture at an early age. Children should follow and respect Indian culture”.
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