February 4, 2025

Girl Can Do Anything Boys Can Do, Sometimes Even Better Than Boys!


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Women are very complex and multidimensional, and little do we take note of or give them their due credit. In its latest initiative, KEEKLI brings to you different colours of Women and how multifaceted they are. A take on life through their eyes !!!

Dr Minakshi Rohilla has completed M.B.B.S. from Allahabad University, (U.P.), and  M.D. (Post Graduation) Obstetrics and Gynaecology from University of Lucknow (U.P.), India. She is a practicing Obstetrics and Gynaecologist since more than 20 years. At present she is working as Consultant at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology PGIMER Chandigarh since 2005.

  1. How do you define yourself — I define myself as a woman who could accomplish my aims and dreams successfully.
  2. Have you discovered yourself — I discovered myself during schooling days realizing that a girl can do anything a boy can do, sometimes even better than boys.
  3. How do you balance work and life— I remain focused to work and life; never mess the two.
  4. A dare quotient — I dare and do anything not meant to be done by an orthodox woman.
  5. Life’s lessons learnt — Life happens to those who dare to live every moment of it, uninhibited, yet disciplined.
  6. Your driving force — My confidence.
  7. Success / failure (what it means to you?) — Failures are pillars of success! Follow the trail of: Try; Fail; Succeed!
  8. Three things no one knows about me — 1. I hate low-quality, unprofessional attitude; 2. I am not that non-social; 3. I am not that introvert.
  9. My most overused term — Do it fast.
  10. New things I learnt from my kids —Computers, mobiles, Internet, targeted approach.
  11. I love to watch — Bollywood movies.
  12. Most recent book I finished reading — Thyroid and Pregnancy; An update, Book of Obstetrics.
  13. My first thought in the morning —How to reach workplace on time?
  14. Fictional place I would love to be in — Where doctors too can live their life without inhibitions and are given due respect and importance they deserve.
  15. Message to peers and my readers — Dream when awake, follow them and achieve them through hard work, help others to achieve theirs.
  16. Feminism to you is — A society where there is no gender-bias in every walk of life.
  17. Women empowerment to you means — Women empowered to be self-dependent, financially self-sustaining, excelling in profession and still be a mother, daughter, sister, wife and a lady par-excellence.

Daily News Bulletin

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