Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar released the policy document for human rights protection of differently abled students, teachers and non-teaching staff prepared by Himachal Pradesh University at Raj Bhavan today. Summary of all the legal provisions related to differently abled persons, the decisions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and High Court and the policies of the Himachal Pradesh Government have been included in it.
Apart from this, policies framed by the State University for the empowerment of persons with disabilities have also been included in it. Governor appreciated the efforts of HPU and hoped this policy document would not only benefit the differently-abled students but also the teaching and non-teaching staff. Vice Chancellor of Himachal Pradesh University, Prof. S.P. Bansal, Secretary to Governor Vivek Bhatia and Nodal Officer for Divyangjans Prof. Ajay Shrivastava were also present on the occasion.