March 12, 2025

Harmony is the Strength of India’s Culture: Governor


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Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar said that harmony was the strength of Indian culture and it was the responsibility of every person to restore it in society. He was addressing a seminar organized by Sunil Upadhyay Educational Trust as the Chief Guest on the occasion of “Samajik Samrasta Diwas” at the historic Gaiety Theater in Shimla, today. He stressed the need for harmony in society and reminded that whenever the harmony in the country decreased, we became problematic. He also attributed the lack of harmony to the foreign invaders being effective on us. If there was harmony in the country, they would not have been able to harm our social system, he added. He described harmony and equality as different subjects and explained that the Constitution gave us the assurance of equality, while no one took the guarantee of harmony.

“Guarantee of harmony will have to be taken by the society itself and for this, there is a need to create awareness in the society”, said Arlekar. The Governor said that like Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar, Sunil Upadhyay also dedicated his entire life to the Nation. Taking his thoughts forward, the volunteers of the Vidyarthi Parishad were working towards bringing a change in the mindset of the people in the country. He also expressed concern over some incidents related to casteism in Himachal Pradesh and said we all need to work in this direction. He said that such happening in the name of backward classes in social activities and at the school level were really painful. He urged people to read the biography of Babasaheb Ambedkar. He described Babasaheb as a Hindu social reformer. He said that there was a need to spread this strength of our culture all over the world. For this, every person should come forward and it should be put into practice, he added. Earlier, the Governor also honored persons doing outstanding work in various fields.

On the occasion, Rashtriya Sangathan Mantri of Sahakar Bharti Sanjay Pachpore said that just as Yashwant Rao Kelkar was the strength of the student organization, in the same way, there was Sunil Upadhyay in Himachal Pradesh, who brought the national ideology to Himachal Pradesh. He urged the organizers to publish a book based on his life so that future generations could be guided. He said that Sunil Upadhyay had the power to build personality and connect people. He also threw light on the life of Babasaheb and said that the Nation was supreme to him. He said, “Until India does not become harmonious, India will not become strong and will not be able to become capable.” He stressed the need to put it into practice. President, Sunil Upadhyay Educational Trust, Prof. Sunil Kumar Gupta welcomed the Governor and said that the trust was working to take forward the ideas of Sunil Upadhyay. Secretary, Sunil Upadhyay Educational Trust Prof. Surendra Sharma presented the vote of thanks. Prominent people were also present on the occasion.

Daily News Bulletin


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