The Himachal Pradesh Cabinet, chaired by Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, paid homage to former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. Acknowledging his transformative leadership, the Cabinet observed two minutes of silence in his memory. His contributions to Himachal Pradesh include pivotal projects such as the Atal Tunnel, IIT Mandi, IIIT Una, and the Central University, among others.
Renaming of HIPA
The Cabinet approved renaming the Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public Administration (HIPA) as Dr. Manmohan Singh Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public Administration to honor his legacy.
Initiatives to Support Vulnerable Families
The Cabinet approved the inclusion of new categories in the BPL list, covering families with:
- No adult members aged 18–59.
- Female-headed households.
- Heads with 50% or more disability.
- Chronic illnesses such as cancer or Alzheimer’s.
Combating Drug Abuse and Organized Crime
A Special Task Force (STF) will be established to address drug abuse and dismantle organized crime networks.
Amendments and Policy Reforms
- The Cabinet approved an ordinance amending the Indian Stamp Act, 1899, for a uniform stamp duty of 12% on certain transactions under the Himachal Pradesh Tenancy and Land Reforms Act, 1972.
- Ban imposed on tree felling, except for specific species like Safeda and Poplar.
Renewable Energy Projects
- A 1 MW Green Hydrogen Project in Nalagarh was approved.
- Introduction of Green Energy Development Charges for Pumped Storage Projects.
Public Grievance Redressal
The ‘Sarkar Gaon Ke Dwar’ Programme was launched to address issues in remote and hard-to-reach areas.
Power and Energy Sector Updates
- Delegation of hydro, solar, and green energy project oversight to the Department of Energy.
- Request to the central government for favorable funding terms for the Kishau Multipurpose Project.
Administrative Upgrades
- Sub Tehsil Panchrukhi upgraded to Tehsil in Kangra.
- New Sub Tehsils established in Dhamwari (Shimla), Saho (Chamba), and Chachiyan (Kangra).
- Creation of Block Primary Education Office in Rohnat, Sirmaur district.
Land Pooling Policy and Development Authority
The Cabinet approved the Baddi-Barotiwala Nalagarh Development Authority Land Pooling Policy-2025.
Environmental Conservation
- Declared the area around Tara Devi Temple in Shimla as a Green Area.
- Rathal Jatar Mela, Bhaular, in Shimla district was elevated to a district-level fair.