Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public Administration (HIPA) has extended the date of departmental examinations from eligible officers/ officials of the various categories like IAS/HAS and other Gazetted Officers serving on regular basis under H.P. Government upto 3rd March, 2023, till 5 PM. It was stated by Secretary HP Board of Departmental Examinations, here today. He said that the last date for forwarding applications by the Heads of Departments to BODE has also been extended upto 7th March 2023. The other dates and terms & conditions contained in notification dated 12th January, 2023 would remain unchanged.
He said that applicants who have filled up the application form and paid the fee but have not submitted the application to HOD can submit the application to HOD during this period on Manav Sampada Portal which would be open from 28th February to 3rd March 2023, till 5 PM. The other eligible candidates who intend to appear in the Departmental Examinations may also submit their applications to Head of Department online on Manav Sampada Portal during this period. Thereafter the window for online application would be closed and applicant would not be able to apply for the exam. The applications will be accepted by the Board only when the same will be approved/verified by their respective Head of Departments. The window for the Head of Departments will remain open till 07.03.2023 (5.00 PM). Thereafter, the window for HODs will automatically close. Detailed information regarding online process for filling up the Examination form and date sheet of examination can be viewed/downloaded from the website of HIPA Shimla i.e. www.hipashimla.nic.in.