December 27, 2024

Oil India Limited To Produce CBG From Pine Leaves


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Oil India Limited To Produce CBG From Pine Leaves
Oil India Limited To Produce CBG From Pine Leaves

Himachal Pradesh is known for its abundant forest resources. However, these resources have been underutilized for a long time, resulting in economic stagnation and frequent forest fires. Utilizing Forest Resources In Himachal Pradesh Oil India Limited To Produce Compressed Biogas (CBG) from Pine Leaves, to address these issues, the state government is exploring innovative ways to utilize forest resources while promoting economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Using Compressed Biogas to Address Forest Fires and Generate Revenue (Oil India Limited To Produce CBG From Pine Leaves)

One of the major causes of forest fires in Himachal Pradesh is the highly flammable and non-biodegradable pine leaves. The state government is now considering using compressed biogas (CBG) produced from pine leaves to address this issue and generate revenue. Recently, the government has signed an agreement with Oil India Limited (OIL) to produce CBG from pine leaves. A pilot project is also being launched to produce biofuels from pine leaves, which will help in the proper disposal of organic waste.

Positive Impact on Marginalized Communities and Energy Crisis

The utilization of forest resources in Himachal Pradesh will not only promote economic growth but also have a positive impact on the lives of marginalized communities living in forest areas. Moreover, using modern technologies such as pyrolysis and other techniques to produce biofuels from pine leaves will help in addressing forest fires and energy crises.

The state government’s initiative to utilize forest resources in Himachal Pradesh will create employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, strengthen the economy, and address environmental concerns. The production of biofuels from pine leaves and compressed biogas will not only help in reducing forest fires but also promote sustainable and inclusive growth.

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Daily News Bulletin


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