Perseverance is the key to success: Kaavya Verma


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Kaavya Verma, Class X school topper, Loreto Convent Tara Hall, Shimla, talks about her typical day and how she managed stress and prepared for the board exams. 

Sharing about her day, she said, “My day would typically involve studying along with time to relax. I would start early every day. Being an early riser, I would study for about 2 hours before leaving for school. This would involve revising topics I had low confidence in or doing a subject that I did not like studying.”  

Not only did she focus on school subjects, but gave importance to overall development as she shared, “At school, I participated in many activities throughout the year, especially dance and sports. For me, it was the best way to stay physically fit and enhance my skills.”   

Upon returning from school, she would usually devote about 4-5 hours to studying again. “While going through any topic I would usually keep a reference book alongside to cover it thoroughly. If I still wasn’t clear about it, the edtech websites were my savior. Also, I ensured covering all questions in the reference books to gauge my level of preparation,” she added.   

In her leisure time she loves penning down her thoughts and dancing to her hearts content as she shared, “I love making journals or going for walks. I would make journals about the many fun characters I watch online almost every other day. On other days I would listen to music and dance my heart out or binge-watch series with my sisters (though quite rarely). My friends and I would also go out occasionally to celebrate birthdays.”   

Giving the credit for her achievements to her family and expressing gratitude she said, “My family has always been supportive of whatever I’ve wanted to do. Be it my parents’ constant encouragement or my sisters helping me to step up a notch. I have learned a lot from my sisters especially through their guidance and experiences.”    

Planning well in advance is what she has always relied upon. “I sincerely believe that one should plan out everything well in advance to enjoy the many activities at school or otherwise. Also, if one puts their heart and soul into whatever they do, then they definitely succeed in whatever they intend on doing,” she added.   

Currently pursuing non-medical stream, Kaavya aspires to become an engineer in robotics. At the same time, she wants to continue dancing, a skill which she acquired during her schooling.  


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