Employment Fairs (Rozgaar Melas) provides a great opportunity for job seekers across the state in order to further increase access to these Rozgar melas. Labour and Employment Minister Dr. (Col.) Dhani Ram Shandil has directed the officers to increase the frequency of ‘Rozgaar Melas’ at least once in 45 days.

“I strongly believe that Rozgar Melas play a major role in connecting job seekers and job providers, therefore, such fairs should be held at least once every 45 days,” the Minister stated during a meeting held here today with the officials of Labour and Employment Department. While discussing the programmes, policies and various other activities undertaken by the department, the minister said that most of the departmental works and programmes, like the registration process, were now online.
He said that through online services one can now register themselves and benefit from the state government’s policies and programmes. The job seekers can also register themselves from the nearest Lok Mitra Kendra which will specifically be beneficial to those residing in far-flung areas and will also save time and money. The online services will further be strengthened and made user-friendly, he added. Terming the labourers as ‘the builders of the nation’.
The Minister said that he will ensure that these ‘Shramdaanis’ are provided with good and safe working conditions and are also equipped with proper headgear, gloves and other necessary gear. He added that Himachal has Labour intensive industries and it is important to look for labourer’s welfare and management and provide safe working conditions. Secretary Labour and Employment Akshay Sood, Labour Commissioner-cum-Director Employment Mansi Sahay Thakur and other departmental officials were present in the meeting.
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