A Celebration of Faith and Talent: Auckland House School Nativity Programme
On November 12th and 13th, Auckland House School Society hosted its annual Nativity Programme at the respective school auditoriums of Auckland House School (Girls)...
Carols & Hymns Resound in Auckland School — Nativity
Keekli Bureau, 28th November, 2019, ShimlaAuckland House School (Girls) celebrated Christmas and depicted the birth of Jesus Christ through Nativity and Carols. Rev. Sohan...
Carol Service in Auckland Girls – Choir Entralls All
Keekli Reporter, 28th November, 2018, ShimlaA Carol Service in the form of a Nativity was held in Auckland House Girls School in the auditorium...
Chalet Students Celebrated Children’s Day in an Exuberant Style
Keekli Reporter, 14th November, 2017, ShimlaStudents of ECI Chalet Day School celebrated Children's Day in an enthusiastic way in the school premises. The morning...