Fire Erupts in IGMC’s New OPD
A fire has broken out in the newly constructed OPD building of Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) earlier this morning. The incident has caused...
CM announces Rs. 1.5 lakh each to 36 Fire affected Families of Malana
Chief Minister Jai Ram today visited the ancient Malana village of Kullu district to meet the fire affected families which took place during the...
Governor and CM Express Grief Over Fire Incident
Governor Bandaru Dattatraya and Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur have expressed grief over the fire incident that took place at village Tharola in Jubbal-Kotkhai...
ऑकलैंड स्कूल में अग्निशमन मौकड्रिल प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम आयोजित
कीकली रिपोर्टर, 11 अक्टूबर, 2018, शिमलाराजधानी स्थित ऑकलैंड हाउस स्कूल में अग्निशमन विभाग द्वारा एकदिवसीय जागरूकता कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया। शिमला अग्निशमन विभाग स्टेशन...