The Department of Youth Affairs, under the leadership of Union Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, successfully launched the Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue on January 10th, 2025, at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. This event, a reimagined National Youth Festival, aims to celebrate youth leadership and foster a platform for young leaders from across India to engage in discussions, competitions, and enriching experiences focused on the vision of a “Viksit Bharat.”
Day 1 Highlights:
- Inauguration & Orientation: The dialogue commenced with an inspiring orientation session attended by over 3,000 youth leaders. Secretary (Youth Affairs), Meeta Rajivlochan, addressed the participants, emphasizing their crucial role in shaping India’s future.
- Creative Competitions: The day featured a vibrant array of competitions, including painting, story writing, music, dance, declamation, and poetry, where participants showcased their talents and expressed their vision for a “Viksit Bharat.”
- Viksit Bharat Exhibition: The exhibition showcased youth-focused initiatives from various ministries, offering interactive experiences in education, skill development, and entrepreneurship.
- Innovation Showcase: Selected youth representatives from different states presented their groundbreaking innovation projects.
- Cultural Excursion: Participants embarked on an insightful excursion to the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya, deepening their understanding of India’s leadership journey.
- Networking Dinner: The day concluded with a networking dinner hosted by Union Ministers and Members of Parliament, fostering valuable interactions between youth and policymakers.
Day 2 Expectations:
Day 2 will commence with an inaugural session led by Union Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya and Union Minister of State Smt. Raksha Khadse. Distinguished personalities like Mr. Anand Mahindra will deliver keynote addresses.
- In-depth Discussions: Participants will engage in in-depth discussions on ten key themes guided by eminent personalities such as Shri Sachin Bansal, Shri Pratyush Kumar, Shri Romalo Ram, Shri Ronnie Screwvala, and many more.
- “Colours of Viksit Bharat” Cultural Show: The evening will culminate with a spectacular cultural show celebrating India’s rich heritage through a fusion of traditional and modern performances.