Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, unveiled their production of the classic musical “Aladdin” performed by the junior and middle school students in the timeless Irwin Hall, Bishop Cotton School, Shimla (Classes 4-8). The show ran for three days performing for other schools in Shimla before the parents joined the special Saturday night performance, together with the chief guest for the event Manasi Sahay Thakur, IAS Officer.
Manasi Thakur said she really enjoyed the performance of Aladdin, and was impressed at the boy’s skills of acting as girls. “This is the first time in my life the stories that I fantasised about in childhood came to life on the stage. There are a few great life-long lessons to be learned from the storyline. The BCS school motto “Overcome evil with good “ suits the theme of the play well. I’d say to the boys to try new things in life and not let failure stop you. A strong value system is as good as having a genie. It helps you to troubleshoot,” she said.
BCS Director Simon Weale thanked everyone who helped make this such a wonderful production. He said, “The choir rehearsed for weeks, together with the musicians, and backstage crew. It is a real team effort putting on such a show in a school and with the teachers guiding the senior boys they have also gained vital leadership opportunities, which helps to make the world a better place in future.”
The passionate junior and middle school students executed the dance sequence ‘A Whole New World’ with great zeal and ebullience, along with super costumes and sets. The choir had rehearsed the catchy songs for the show for weeks on end and were note perfect, with junior soloists singing beautifully.