March 11, 2025

This Day in History


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Shimla, July 23, Keekli Bureau

This Day in History



U.S. astronaut Sally Ride, the first American woman to travel in space, died at the age of 61.Take our quiz about famous astronauts and cosmonauts


British singer-songwriter Amy Winehouse, who won five Grammy Awards for her Motown-inspired Back to Black (2006) but struggled with substance-abuse problems, died from alcohol poisoning at the age of 27.Test your knowledge of the Grammy Awards


Slobodan Milošević became president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (comprising Serbia and Montenegro) after serving as president of Serbia from 1989; he was later charged with genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes relating to the Kosovo conflict, and he died during his trial in 2006.


Sultan Saʿīd ibn Taymūr of Oman was overthrown by his son, Qaboos bin Said, in a palace coup.Sort fact from fiction in our quiz about the Middle East


A riot began in Detroit as African Americans and the city’s police department were involved in violent confrontations following a police raid on an illegal drinking club; the unrest, which lasted for five days, is considered one of the catalysts of the militant Black Power movement.Learn more about notable riots in U.S. history


On this day in 1952, the Free Officers, a nationalistic military group led by Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser, engineered a coup that overthrew King Farouk I of Egypt, ending the monarchy and bringing Nasser to power.


Marshal Philippe Pétain of France went on trial for treason during World War II; he ultimately was given a life sentence of solitary confinement.Sort fact from fiction in our quiz about World War II


Attilio and Emilio Bandiera were executed along with nine others following a failed revolt against Austrian rule in Italy.


John V was consecrated pope, succeeding St. Benedict II.

Daily News Bulletin

Keekli Bureau
Keekli Bureau
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