Van Mahotsva Celebrated by Loretoites

tara-Hall_1Keekli Reporter, 29th August, 2014, Shimla

The students of Loreto Convent Tara Hall participated in tree plantation drive organised by the school on the occasion of ‘Van Mahotsva’ in collaboration with the forest department, Shimla. Around 400 students from classes 8 to 12 took part in this tree plantation drive. Seeds of Deodar trees and other plants were sown by the students. District Forest Officer, Raman Sharma and the School Principal Sister Stephanie Rodrigues along with the faculty were also present on the occasion.

Forest Officer Sharma gave a message to all present about the importance of the environment and that we should ‘Plant a tree, save the Earth’. He shared some important facts with the students and said, “Planting trees is a must if we want to save our planet. Trees not only remove harmful chemicals from the soil, but also help in reducing the greenhouses gases, which lead to global warming. An average size tree creates sufficient oxygen in one year to provide oxygen for a family of four. Planting trees in the right place around buildings and homes can cut the air-conditioning costs up to 50 per cent. They are also renewable, biodegradable and recyclable. If we plant 20 million trees, the Earth will get with 260 million more tons of oxygen. We can do our part in reducing global warming by simply planting a tree”.

Another event was also held on this day by the members of SJVN — A Hindi Speech Competition. The topic for the same was Problems faced in School Education and its Solutions. AGM, O P Gupta presided over the function as the chief guest, and more than 20 girls participated in this competition. He congratulated all the winners and appreciated the efforts of the girls in giving such beautiful and meaningful speeches as he distributed all the prizes — first prize was awarded to Aditi Shreta; second was Kajul; and third was Bhuvi.