Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in Adolescents by Dr Alok Sharma
Dr Alok Sharma is MD [Obstetrics and Gynaecology], MICOG, DHA. Registrar, Kamla Nehru State Hospital for Mother and Child.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a problem in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance. It can cause problems with your periods. PCOS also may cause unwanted changes in the way you look. If it isn’t treated, over time it can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Most women with PCOS grow many small cysts on their ovaries. That is why it is called polycystic ovary syndrome. The cysts are not harmful but lead to hormone imbalances.
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Samanantar –II: Touching Lives!!!
Ritanjali Hastir, Associate Editor, 3rd November, 2015
Pablo Picasso – the famous painter’s saying that the artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web seem to hold good especially in context to the ongoing painting exhibition Samanantar –II being showcased at Gaiety Theatre’s Shimla. This exhibition is a fine example of bleed of thoughts and techniques as seven dynamic artists including Pooja Sharma, Nikhil Bansal, Nitin Kalyaniya, Susheel Chauhan, Chaman Thakur, Sandeep Kumar and Dharmendra Thakur display their talent.
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हिमाचल कला संस्कृति भाषा अकादमी द्वारा आयोजित राज्य स्तरीय साहित्य समारोह
कीक्ली ब्यूरो, 2 अक्टूबर, 2015, शिमला
हिमाचल कला संस्कृति भाषा अकादमी अपने नाम के अनुरूप अपने मन्तव्य के प्रति पूर्णरूपेण जागृत है और प्रदश के माननीय मुख्यमंत्री, जो अकादमी के अध्यक्ष एवं संरक्षक हैं, उनके नेतृत्व में प्रदश की कला, संस्कृति, भाषा, साहित्य से जुड़े साहित्यकारों, लेखकों, कलाकारों, बुद्धिजीवियों के सुझावों के अनुसार उन्हें सम्मान देते हुए अपने कार्य का निर्वहण कर रही है, यह बात डॉ. प्रेम शर्मा, उपाध्यक्ष हिमाचल अकादमी ने अकादमी स्थापना दिवस पर गेयटी थिएटर शिमला के कॉन्फ्रैंस हॉल में अकादमी द्वारा आयोजित किए गए राज्य स्तरीय साहित्य समारोह पर कही ।
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Dental Caries
Dr Bharti Sharma, BDS (Rajasthan), SMO (Dental), CHC Nadaun, Hamirpur, July, 2015
“If a patient cannot clean his teeth, no dentist can clean them fore him” – William R Alger
Dental caries or dental cavities are very common dental problems among children as well as adults. It begins with a small black mark on the surface of the tooth which gradually increases in size and if not timely intervened it forms big holes in the tooth surface forming a big cavity. This cavity so formed harbours food particles and bacteria that lead to dental caries.
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“Transcend” – Enthralls All
Ritanjali Hastir, Keekli Reporter, January 2015, Shimla
Recently the people of Shimla City got an opportunity to get indulged in a musical and dance extravaganza in form of an event ‘Transcend’ organized by Sudhanshu and Piyush, members of the Younglinks – a group of youngsters all committed to bring change in the society, at historic Gaiety Theatre’s Amphitheater, The Ridge, Shimla.
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Chapslee – A Mirror to the Past
Ritanjali Hastir, December, 2015, Shimla
“To maintain the spirit of heritage, it is very important to use the place for the purpose for which it was actually built”, says Kanwar Ratanjit.
It is said, “For every picture you take a moment in time is remembered. A family’s heritage is its personal journey through history. Memories will fade making the written word priceless. In every family someone must take time to preserve its past. Looking at the past can strengthen who you are today. Yesterday is gone, but the memories are cherished through photos and journals” and the same statement can be easily co-related to Kanwar Ratanjit Singh, owner of ‘Chapslee Estate’, one of the oldest houses of Shimla City.
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A Minute to Read
Sonia Dogra, Freelance Writer, Suratgarh, Rajasthan
What can really make young brains tick?
Well, I says, it is only the power of the word that can ignite our little dynamites. What can be better, dear children, than growing in the company of BOOKS. Every single word you read makes you a dreamer of sorts, every single book you open fills your life with light, gives you a vision and kindles your imagination. Before you know it, you have taken the plunge and you are in the middle of a vast sea of knowledge — one that you are willing to swim across and yet hope that it never ends.
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Great Debate : 68 Years of Shackled Freedom?
The entire nation is all set to celebrate the 68th Independence Day on 15th August 2014. In spite of that fact that more half a century has passed away since we are celebrating this day, Keekli’s reporter, Ritanjali Hastir brings you people’s take on this day.
Raj Verma (private employee): Means a holiday
In the current times, I don’t think that we all are patriotic. This day only signifies a holiday when we all can rest or do things that we like. During our childhood, we did celebrate the day and sing patriotic songs but now the zeal is gone. I do feel that if the time was different then definitely this day would have held more significance for us all as we are not much concerned about the nation as whole but are self centered.
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Music has a Calming Effect on the Senses: Shelz
Ashima Sharma, Keekli Reporter, July, 2014, Shimla
SHELZ — An all girls band from Auckland House Girls School has created a niche for itself over the years and every year they dazzle and entertain us with their performances.
“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent”, a famous quote by Victor Hugo is the perfect way to define the passion of the Auckland House Girls School’s all girls band, Shelz. It is the very first all girls band formed by any school in Shimla. They staged their first performance in 2000. Breakthrough came for the Band when they won a national level music competition, ‘Symphony’ in 2005.
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Cycling to Health
Ritanjali Hastir, Freelance Writer, July, 2014, Shimla
In current times when human activities have restricted to machines alone, cycling is the new trend picking up in the City.
Someone rightly said, “When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man’s convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man’s brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others”.
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Reverb: Shimla’s First All Girls Band Makes its Presence
Ashima Sharma, Keekli Reporter, July, 2014, Shimla
We wish to have the echo of our music felt in the hearts of our listeners !!!
Gone are those days when excelling in studies was the only aim in every child’s life. The youth of today prefer being called as all rounders. They have evolved and involved themselves in many different activities be it sports or love for music.
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Importance of Dentition and Its Care
Dr Bharti Sharma, BDS (Rajasthan), SMO (Dental), CHC Nadaun, Hamirpur, March, 2014
Teeth play an important role in maintaining our health. They not only help in chewing food to prepare for digestion but also play an important role for our speech and esthetics. Proper alignment of teeth are essential for pronunciation of alphabets like – s, sh, t, th, d, dh, etc. Besides good alignment of teeth and healthy dentition adds beauty to our looks and beautifies our smile, as the saying goes. In simple terms, dentition refers to the development of teeth and their alignment.
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Gaming Frenzy
Ritanjali Hastir, Freelance Writer, January, 2014, Shimla
It is often said what goes around comes around; all trends repeat themselves after completion of a cycle, it may be for fashion or lifestyle. One such trend that resurrected this winter is Video Gaming.
People belonging to the generation of eighties have had the best of everything. They were the ones who had experienced the thrilling world of video games, in the 90s every second shop in the City was crowed with children fervently waiting for their turns to play hooting, trying to distract the other player.
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Hindi Day: English vs. Hindi
Ritanjali Hastir, Freelance writer, 14th September 2013, Shimla
Over the years there has been a great rage forcing people to focus more on English language than Hindi, the official language of Union — Hindi — is taking a back seat. With the approach of yet another Hindi Day, that is, September 14, Keekli finds out students views on the importance of our language in present times and especially its use in their day to day life.
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How Education System is Evolving in India and the Way Teachers are being Created !!!
VJ Sharma, Lead SEQ, ADOBE, New Delhi
It’s Teacher’s Day today and I was wondering what to share. This thought was there in my mind till lunch and lunch table discussion started with the same topic. And then it moved towards the way schools operate in India, how the trends have changed in urban and rural India. Let’s see how things have changed…
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Col Rajiv Kapoor, SATA Wing
It may appear very petty to read but certain syllables of body language or vocal words convey some very negative signals.
- Rushing for a dinner plate while ladies, elders or even small children are waiting.
- When a plate of snacks / eatables is offered, picking up the biggest piece (pieces). The etiquette is to pick up the nearest piece.
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Mistaken Identity AKA Comedy of Errors
Col Rajiv Kapoor, SATA Wing, (The Poor Kapoor)
I will certainly be blowing my own trumpet today – pardon me – and after I loose my breath doing that I will sue Brig Mirji and his coterie at MS 11 for posting me in “duplicate” here in School of Arty, not once, not twice, but for three tenures. You all will vouch for me that this is intentional! Its ok if a man lives a dual personality but its too much if it is from two different physical bodies and three much if it is a crude remix of “pure” and “poor”. Confused, are all you readers? You ought to be since I (we?) have been confused for full 25 years.
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Ishro – Woman power celebrated
Ritanjali Hastir, Freelance Writer
“I do not draw what appeals to others but what I feel for my paintings are the mirror to my thoughts”, says Ishro Devi, a young artist from Hamirpur, though believing there is no much scope for art in Shimla, still follows her dream without ever being disheartened.
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Chaman Thakur – National Award Winner Painter from Shimla
Ritanjali Hastir, Freelance writer
When the going gets tough, the tough get going can rightly be said about this 24 year old painter and he himself believes in the saying that “art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better”. An inspired painter, Chaman Thakur has mastered the art of pen drawing and won a prize at the national level at the All India Art Exhibition organized by the State Museum Shimla in 2009 for his pen drawing of the famous Viceregal Lodge Shimla.
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Photography Portfolio – Some Very Basic Queries to Start With?
VJ Sharma, Lead SEQ, ADOBE, New Delhi
How do I present my portfolio?
The most popular way to present your work is loose prints (matted or not) inside a clamshell portfolio box. Some people use interleaving paper; some matt their work; some have protective mylar envelopes over their prints; while some simply have a nice stack of naked prints.
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Photography Portfolio – What it is and how to start? PART-1
VJ Sharma, Lead SEQ, ADOBE, New Delhi
When it comes to photography or photographer, there are two main aspects to it. One is its Art Angle and another is the Science involved. When it comes to the final outcome as a photographer your creative aspect defines art in that result and how well that creativity is converted into a photograph, knowledge of creativity comes in light.
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Photography Portfolio – Designing and structuring it for better presentation: PART-2
VJ Sharma, Lead SEQ, ADOBE, New Delhi
In the first part we discussed few basics about Photography Portfolio and mainly about its structure and designing. Creating a portfolio is an essential part of presenting oneself as a photographer.
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As a Photographer, Should I learn Lightroom or Photoshop – Processing Softwares / Applications
VJ Sharma, Lead SEQ, ADOBE, New Delhi
It has been quite some time that we have conducted Lightroom Workshops during weekends. During these workshops and at times one to one discussions, photographers often ask about opinions – whether Lightroom or Photoshop is better for them or something else. Every person will have different opinion about the same and answers varies from one photographer to another. It also depends upon the stage of your life.
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How to take Photographs of Flowers with Black Background! Camera Trick OR Photoshop work?
VJ Sharma, Lead SEQ, ADOBE, New Delhi
Few days ago once again one photographer pinged me on Facebook and asked about the way people click Flowers with black background. Followed with the statement, he was curious to know if it was some kind of Camera Technique or Photoshop Work. Since he understands Photography well, if put it in right way. Otherwise most of the times, people think that all such magical things can only be done in Photoshop…. Today we shall take a deep dive into the process of creating such photographs which show colorful flowers with Black Background.
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