Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) was set up on 26 September 1942. This year, this one of the largest R&D organisations of India is celebrating its 81st Foundation Day. 37 laboratories spread across the country, celebrate this special day at their own place. Delhi based CSIR laboratory the National Institute of Science Communication & Policy Research (NIScPR) celebrated 81st Foundation Day on 27th September 2022 at the National Agricultural Science Complex (NASC), Todapur, New Delhi. Before the principal capability of the Establishment Day, CSIR-NIScPR coordinated an Open Day Program at Vivekanand Lobby, NIScPR, Pusa Grounds, New Delhi during 11 am to 12 early afternoon on 27 Sept. 2022.
On this event, 130 school understudies visited NIScPR and different foundation offices. NIScPR Chief, Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal tended to the understudies and persuaded them for a brilliant future ahead. During the Understudy Researcher Interface Meeting of the Open Day, an exceptional talk was conveyed by Dr. G. Mahesh, Boss Researcher, CSIR-NIScPR. Dr. M. Rais, Boss Researcher, CSIR-NIScPR and Boss Organizer of CSIR’s 81st Establishment Day Festivity at NIScPR and C.B. Singh, Sr. Head Researcher and Organizer of JIGYASA, NIScPR additionally imparted their contemplations to the understudies. During the open day, show of NIScPR distributions, Ayur Vatika and RHMD visit were other unique attractions for the meeting understudies. Exceptional issue of NIScPR’s month to month famous science Hindi magazine Vigyan Pragati zeroed in on the Indian associations participated in science promotion were additionally dispersed among the understudies.
In the Hindi service, Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal officially invited to Gupta with pruned plant, keepsake and a bunch of foundation’s distributions. In her invite address, Prof. Aggarwal said that NIScPR has contributed hugely towards science and society interface through Hindi language. She said that Vigyan Pragati magazine has as of late won the esteemed Public Honor ‘Kirti Puraskar’ of the Authority Language Division, Service of Home Undertakings, Govt. of India which demonstrates that NIScPR is accomplishing great work in Hindi language. Unique Hindi examination Diary in particular ‘Bharatiya Vaigyanik evam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika’ has been distributed by NIScPR beginning around 1993. She added that SVASTIK is a lead program of the Organization through which logically approved conventional information is partaken in Hindi and other local dialects of the country. She guaranteed to JS that CSIR-NIScPR will continue to do every one of the ordered exercises of science correspondence and strategy studies and exploration in Hindi.
On the event, Joint Secreatary of CSIR Mahendra Kumar Gupta said that he was an enthusiastic peruser of ‘Vigyan Pragati’ in his young life and he used to talk about the logical substance distributed in the magazine with his group colleagues. He likewise revealed that NIScPR’s science magazine ‘Vigyan Pragati’ plays had a critical impact in creating interest in his science study. Shri Gupta added that CSIR-NIScPR is doing extraordinary work in its center areas of science strategy and science correspondence. He circulated prizes to every one of the victors in different contests coordinated during Hindi Month by CSIR-NIScPR.