Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur launched online RTI portal of Department of Administrative Reforms here today and with this Himachal Pradesh became first State amongst small States and forth after Maharashtra, Karnatka, and Uttar Pradesh in the Country to launch this portal. Chief Minister while appreciating the efforts of the department in launching this online portal said that it would facilitate the citizens to apply, get information and appeal under RTI Act, 2005 at their door steps without visiting any office or public authority. Jai Ram Thakur said that this initiative would go a long way in reducing the footfalls in government offices and ensure timely information access to the seekers. Information Technology Minister Dr. Ram Lal Markanda, Secretary, Administrative Reforms Dr. Sandeep Bhatnagar, Joint Secretary Rajesh Sharma and other senior officers were present on the occasion among others.
CM Launches Online RTI Portal
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