Governor, Shiv Pratap Shukla inaugurated the newly constructed Vivekananda Girl Hostel constructed by Himgiri Kalyan Ashram at Beolia near Shimla today. On the occasion, the Governor said that Himgiri Kalyan Ashram was preserving and promoting the values of life in the tribal and remote areas of Himachal Pradesh. He expressed contentment that the facility of residential hostels was being provided to the children of weaker sections through the institution. He said that since 1985 Himgiri Kalyan Ashram has been working for the all-round development of the tribal society in the State.
He added that this institute is providing value education along with a hostel facility. He paid tribute to Late Matha Ram who donated the land for the new hostel and appreciated Vinod Agarwal, Nand Lal Sharma, Kannu Devi, wife of Matha Ram and other social workers who helped in the construction of the building. Expressing happiness, Shukla said that till now about 550 pass out students from Himgiri Kalyan Ashram have excelled in different fields. He lauded the Ashram’s efforts to run a girls hostel at Reckong Peo in Kinnaur district and hostels for boys at Solan, Chamba, Shimla and Rampur. He said that poor and destitute boys and girls from remote and tribal areas are being provided food, clothing, accommodation, education and medical facilities in these hostels.
He said that it is our responsibility to follow Indian culture and its Vedic knowledge. The Governor said that other projects like Bal Sanskar Kendra, Shraddha Jagran Kendra, Tailoring Training Center and Sports activities were being run by Himgiri Kalyan Ashram. He said that there was no greater work than serving humanity and the Sanatan thoughts also teach us the same lesson. The Governor announced rupees five lahks to the Himgiri Kalyan Ashram for welfare activities. He also honoured the social workers who had contributed in the construction of the Vivekananda Girls Hostel. He also released ‘Janjagriti Gaurav’ book dedicated to the tribal heroes on the occasion.
Earlier, the Governor also visited the exhibition based on Vanvasi heroes on the occasion. Bhagwan Sahay, Akhil Bhartiya Nagriya Sampark Pramukh honoured and welcomed the Governor on the occasion and detailed the activities of the Himgiri Kalyan Ashram. Chief Speaker, Banveer Rana, Chairman of the programme and leader of the opposition, Jai Ram Thakur besides Special Guest and Chairman, SJVNL Nand Lal also spoke on the occasion. Prant Adhyaksh, Lachhi Ram Thakur proposed a vote of thanks. A cultural programme was also performed by the students of the Ashram. Mahendra Kumar Aggarwal, Director, G.R. Infraproject and other prominent people were also present on the occasion.
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