A bright green-suited whirlwind of energy hit Bishop Cotton School, Shimla recently, as businessman and entrepreneur Shailendra Singh gave a guest lecture to the boys of BCS in the Irwin Hall on Friday, May 17, 2024.
Kapil Dev’s Message to BCS Boys
The BCS boys, from Class 8 upwards, responded enthusiastically to Mumbai’s Sunburn festival entrepreneur, Shailendra Singh. The excitement peaked when Singh played a clip of his friend, cricket legend Kapil Dev, who sent a message encouraging the boys to enjoy their studies and not to feel stressed or pressured. The hall erupted in cheers at Kapil Dev’s inspiring words, recorded earlier that day.
BCS Director Announces Future Projects
The BCS Director praised Shailendra Singh, saying, “Shailendra must be one of the most well-connected people in India. We hope he will bring Kapil Dev with him on his next visit. His genuine kindness and boundless energy made him a big hit with the boys. His refusal to turn down any challenge is an example to all of us. We are very grateful for his support and look forward to working with him on various exciting projects in the future.”
Follow Your Dreams
Shailendra Singh’s journey from a not-so-academic student to a successful entrepreneur was inspirational for the boys. He shared how he overcame challenges, despite not being good at academics and aspiring to play cricket for India. His message to the boys was clear: ‘dream big’ and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve your goals, especially in a booming India. His humorous and encouraging words kept the boys entertained and motivated.
Gratitude to Old Cottonian
A special thank you goes to Old Cottonian Mr. Raman Khanna (Batch of 1967) for bringing his friend, Shailendra Singh, to inspire the boys at school. This event left a lasting impression on the students, encouraging them to pursue their dreams with passion and determination.
By organizing such events, Bishop Cotton School continues to inspire and motivate its students, fostering an environment where dreams are nurtured and future leaders are shaped.