Bangalore: The hall room of Soundarya Educational Trust was flanked by media, SET management, faculty along with high school, Graduate and post graduate students of Soundarya Educational trust to welcome Shiju H Pallithazheth, the founder of the Motivational Strips, the world’s most active writers forum.
Mr Shiju had accepted the invitation accorded by this leading international educational hub to conduct a seminar on “A synopsis on knowing self”. The one hour seminar had Shiju H Pallithazheth speaking on varied thoughts that mold the students to be successful in life. Some of the important inputs from the seminar was as below
- Why to waste time criticizing others when one has enough to criticize self
- The brighter society makes the people in it wiser. If society is ignored, it amounts to ignoring self
- Growth starts when one wants to learn more
- Success is the greed to learn and grow further
The program commenced with Author Shiju H Pallithazheth being felicitated by SET Managing Trustee Dr Pratiksha Keerthan Kumar and CEO Mr Keerthan Kumar. The entire program was coordinated by Sr faculty member Sreekala P Vijayan. Subsequent to the felicitation, two poetry books titled “Poetic Nectar” authored by Sreekala P Vijayan and the anthology titled “The Burgeons” authored by students of Soundarya Central School and few students from abroad was launched by Mr Shiju and Dr. Pratiksha Keerthan Kumar.
The principal of Soundarya Central School Ms Renukadevi Ravada congratulated the students on the occasion. The Managing Trustee Of Soundarya Educational Trust Dr. Prateeksha Keerthan Kumar stated that the energy levels of students multiplied after participating in the seminar and that she was sure of greater output from them having been highly motivated with the inputs from the founder of Motivational Strips.