Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur directed the officers to fasten the pace of construction work of Paonta Sahib-Gumma-Fediz section of NH-707 so that it could be dedicated to people of the state at the earliest. The Chief Minister was presiding over meeting with officers of various departments at PWD Rest House Paonta Sahib today, to review various ongoing developmental works in district Sirmaur. It was informed in the meeting that the construction work of NH-707 has been divided into four phases and work of phase IV (Sri Kyari-Gumma) was going on at great speed. It was informed that compensation amounting to around Rs. 10 crore has already been disbursed and remaining amount would soon be disbursed.
While reviewing the progress of IIM Dhaulakuan, the Chief Minister expressed satisfaction over the progress of construction work and directed the officers to complete and hand over some portion of IIM by August this year so that it can be made functional. It was informed in the meeting that over 600 students will be enrolled in the IIM in the year 2022. It was also informed that 85 percent work of boundary wall of the IIM has been completed and the academic session of 2023 would be started in the new campus. While discussing the issue of setting up new procurement centres in the district, the Chief Minister directed to explore possibilities of starting procurement of wheat and paddy through APMC and Civil Supplies Corporation to facilitate the farmers.
It was informed in the meeting that procurement was being carried out in the district at three centres namely Haripur Tohana, Kala Amb and Rampurghat, but there was a need to increase procurement centres in the district. Power Minister Sukh Ram, MLA Nahan Dr. Rajiv Bindal, MLA Pachhad Reena Kashyap, Vice Chairman Civil Supplies Corporation Baldev Tomar, Chairperson Zila Parishad Seema Kanyal, Deputy Commissioner Ram Kumar Gautam, ADC Sonakshi Singh Tomar, SDM Paonta Sahib Vivek Mahajan and other officers were also present in the meeting.