Ritanjali Hastir, Associate Editor, 27th August, 2016, Shimla
Lights ! Camera ! Action ! A workshop on Film Making as a Profession was organized by the National Award winner Vivek Mohan for his documentary film on Malana in association with KEEKLI – An Ode to Innocence (a children’s magazine) at Laureate Public School, Bharari here today.
During the workshop Vivek interacted with student and put their curiosities to rest by informing that commercial cinema is not the only available option when it comes to making films. He gave an intellectual insight to students as per where to head if they want to make a serious profession in film making.
During the workshop three films, namely, Spot the Difference; For whom the Jingle Bells Tolls and Window 171006 were screened for the students with the motive to clear the misconception that only film stars or big actors names are responsible for making a good film. Each film delivered important messages for the students — ‘say no to drugs’ in Windows or to ‘stop discrimination in wake of caste, religion or creed’ in Spot.
‘Save the environment’ was yet another important message that was conveyed as children are the future and it is up to them to save the nature by utilizing the resources wisely.
It was a great endeavour by the duo — Team Keekli and the noted film maker to open new doors for some young aspirants from Himachal – a state which is yet to acknowledge the craft on a larger scale.