February 16, 2025

Government committed to provide excellent educational facilities: Rohit Thakur


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Education Minister Rohit Thakur humorously noted that the Congress government has inherited a truly enviable legacy from the previous BJP government. He said that a crumbling economy paired with an equally dilapidated education system was the only thing the present State Government has got from the BJP regime and only remarkable contribution of the previous government to education was to open two dozen colleges and 400 new schools without the pesky need for financial approval from the Finance Department.

He said that the BJP’s commitment to quality education was so profound that student enrollment in government schools plummeted, with the number of first-grade students shrinking to just 49,295. And, of course, let’s not overlook the National Achievement Survey of 2021, where Himachal Pradesh proudly ranked 21st in the nation an impressive feat for a state once renowned for its educational excellence.

The previous BJP government’s neglect didn’t stop there. When the Congress government took charge, they were greeted by 350 schools without a single teacher and 3200 schools struggling with just one teacher. To top it off, the education department had a staggering 15,000 vacancies and 90 percent of the colleges were running without principals. Promotions for principals were halted, further deepening the crisis. This is the tragic legacy of the BJP’s tenure, where students were driven away from government institutions.

In contrast, the Congress government has taken swift and decisive action to rectify this mess. Several significant measures have been implemented to enhance the quality of education. Among these, 7,000 teaching positions have been sanctioned, with the recruitment process already in progress. Specifically, 2,800 posts in the Elementary Education Department are being filled in phases, with 1,700 teachers already receiving their appointment letters. The recruitment process for the remaining 1,100 JBT positions is in its final stages.

He further mentioned that the State Selection Commission has initiated the process to fill an additional 2,800 posts. Additionally, the appointment of 700 lecturers is nearing completion, and these lecturers will receive their appointment letters soon. Moreover, the government has already appointed 95 college principals and 483 assistant professors. The recruitment process for 6,200 NTT teachers is also expected to commence shortly

The Congress government has also taken steps to close 300 schools that were practically empty with zero student enrolment, having been opened by the previous government purely for electoral gain. These teachers have been reassigned to schools where they can make a real difference. The adoption of a cluster system within a 500-meter radius, the introduction of english-medium education from the first class and the launch of smart classrooms were just a few of the initiatives that demonstrate the Congress government’s commitment to restoring quality education.

He blamed BJP for this educational debacle squarely at the feet of former Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, who, according to him, took a hands-off approach to quality education, resulting in the sharp decline of Himachal Pradesh’s educational standing. Clearly, the BJP’s legacy in education is one for the history books just not in the way they might have hoped.

Daily News Bulletin


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