Governor leads International Yoga Day celebration at the Ridge


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Shimla: The International Yoga Day was celebrated on Friday at the historic Ridge where Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla along with other prominent people performed yoga. The event was organized by the State Ayurvedic Department.

While congratulating the people on the occasion of International Yoga Day, the Governor in his message said that it was a matter of pride for us as yoga was being adopted worldwide. He credited Prime Minister Narendra Modi for establishing yoga internationally, noting that it is rooted in our ancient culture, tradition and spirituality, which benefits both the body and mind. He said that many diseases are linked to the mind and practicing yoga can purify the mind.

While highlighting the connection of yoga with traditions, he encouraged people to make yoga a part of their daily lives. He said that yoga enhances mental and physical well-being because it is aligned with nature and those who connect with nature are healthier and it was the best way to purify the mind and soul, essential for a healthy body.

MLA J.R. Katwal along with senior officers, school children, and prominent town residents, also participated in the yoga session.

Earlier, Yoga and meditation programme was also conducted by Dr. Satya Prakash Pathak from Department of Yoga Studies, Himachal Pradesh University at Raj Bhavan Shimla where the Governor also participated. Secretary to Governor Rajesh Sharma and other staff members also performed yoga.


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