February 4, 2025

Green Day Celebrations at St.Thomas School, DCM — Jaipur 


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St.Thomas School, DCM -- Jaipur

St.Thomas School, DCM -- Jaipur Keekli Reporter, 27th July, 2018, Jaipur

Teaching kids with innovative means and using day-to-day examples of life surely keep them interested and open to learning with much enthusiasm and fervour. A concept nicely adopted by the management and teachers of St Thomas School, DCM, Jaipur, as Green Day was celebrated in the School. Chairman Rev. Father Biju Daniel, Trustee Gee Varghese and Secretary Shahji Thomas were present as guests, who were warmly greeted by the School Headmistress Nivedita Doegar, the school staff and the students.

St.Thomas School, DCM -- Jaipur To mark the celebrations, the classrooms were beautifully decorated in ‘Green’ theme by using various kinds of green objects such as frog faced crowns, green turtles with CDs, caterpillars from egg trays among others that were made by the children. Children brought green snacks and eatables in their tiffins. Children were told that green colour signifies prosperity. They were also told about the importance of plants as they get fruits, vegetables, medicines, oils, wood gum and paper, etc., from them. Children were also taught that the oxygen that we breathe in is given by the plants. An important message was conveyed to the kids that we should not cut trees, rather we should plant more and more of them.

St.Thomas School, DCM -- Jaipur The management along with the headmistress planted trees in the campus with the children to show their solidarity in promoting a green and clean environment. Small plants were also distributed among the students and the school staff. Green Day was a practical learning experience for the children and an enjoyable one as well.

Green Day was also celebrated at St Thomas School, Girdharipura, Jaipur, where School Principal Sonal Sharma, Vice Principal P. Mathai and Coordinator Soaye Daniel planted trees in the campus along with the students.


Daily News Bulletin

Keekli Bureau
Keekli Bureau
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