September 8, 2024

Happy Birthday Chapslee!


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Sonia Dogra, Keekli Reporter, 1st September, 2016, Shimla

chapslee.founders.1.9 (20)Chapslee School, Shimla celebrated its 43rd Founder’s Day as it was 43 years ago, on 1st September, 1973 that the school started with just two students on roll. And after all these years the school stands tall among the prestigious educational institutions of Shimla.

The day was celebrated with gusto and enthusiasm. Besides exchange of greetings and felicitations, there were several intra-school competitions organized at both the Junior as well as Senior Division.

At Junior Chapslee, the day started with an Inter-House Quiz Competition which was won by Himalaya House. Thereafter, Best Out of Waste was conducted for Class VI which was won by Himank and Tanveer of VI-A and Rinish and Abhinav of Class VI-B. Class VII competed in Rangoli Making and Face Painting. Rangoli was won by Tanisha, Sargam, Suhani, Shagun and Sevin of VII-A and Shashwat and Saarish of Class VII-B won the Face Painting. Essay writing was organized for class VIII. The winners were Yuvraj Khanna, Rahul Chandel and Aditi Sankhyan. There was a drawing competition for students of classes one to eight.

chapslee.founders.1.9 (24)Senior Chapslee started the eventful day with relevant messages from the Principal, Sudershan Dogra and Vice Principal, Rajendra Singh who encouraged the students to work hard and bring more laurels to the school. On the Spot competition was conducted next in which the students exhibited various talents and the audience was enthralled to see some amazing singers, dancers and actors. An English Declamation contest was next to follow. The topic under contemplation was ‘Social Media: Boon or Bane’ and the students brought up some very pertinent points in their speeches. An array of participants were enlisted for Photography, Painting, Sketching, Dry Cooking, Rangoli, Collage Making, Best out of Waste and Slogan Writing. The results of the competition are slated for announcement early next week.

Finally, there was sweet distribution and the day ended with each child carrying home the memory of being a part of an eventful birthday party!


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