February 13, 2025

IISF motivates women towards science, technology


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Delhi, Dec. 23

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Gender parity is a global concern and world-wide countries are acknowledging the drawbacks of gender imbalance in sustainable development. One of the pillars for achieving self-reliance is accelerating gender equality by including more women in science, technology and innovation (STI). To discuss the status, the challenges and the way forward, a specific event has been designed in the India International Science Festival 2020 ‘Women Scientists and Entrepreneurs’ Conclave. The inaugural session of this conclave was addressed by the Governor of Telangana, Dr.TamilisaiSoundararajan and the Union M/o Women and Child Development , and Textiles, SmtSmritiZubinIrani.


Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) | Twitter


Addressing the inaugural conclave, the Telangana Governor Dr.TamilisaiSoundararajan said that in  achieving the goals of Atmanirbhar Bharat (the self-reliant India), the role of women is very important. She pointed out that in our country, the presence of women workforce is meagre in science and entrepreneurship. She said that women have the capability to transform the employment scenario in the country. Women owned enterprises have the potential to create 150-170 million new jobs. She emphasized the need of increasing seats for women in engineering and technical institutions and more number of fellowships to encourage women scientists and technologists. The Governor and other dignitaries joined this conclave virtually.

The  Union Minister for Women and Child Development, Smt. Smriti Irani ,in her address, said that the number of women scientists in India is very low and it needs to be increased and various government schemes have been initiated to motivate women to enter the field of scientific research. She added that programmes like IISF motivate and attracts women towards science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.

In this programme of IISF-2020, Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, DG, CSIR; Dr.RenuSwarup, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology; Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Director, CSIR-NEERI and Principal Coordinator of the conclave Dr.AtyaKaple also spoke.

At the inauguration of another popular event, the ‘AyurFestiwell’ under ‘Wellness Conclave’ of IISF-2020, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik, Union Minister for AYUSH  said, “Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving, you’re celebrating life. This ethos is derived from the ‘Dinacharya’ concept of Ayurveda. If we are ‘mindful’ about the daily regimen as stated by Ayurveda: Getting up in the Brahma Muhurta till sleeping well within the range of our body clock; with proper Shaucha, Ahara and Vyayama then Wellness is a given thing”.

“Sama dosha sama agnischa sama dhatu mala kriyaaha|Prasanna atma  indriya manaha swastha iti abhidheeyate” – Sushruta Samhita, which means One is in perfect health when the Three doshas (vata, pitta and Kapha) Digestive fire (digestion, assimilation and metabolism) all the body tissues & components (Dhatus),all the excretory functions are in perfect order with a pleasantly disposed and contented mind, senses and spirit. Several new key areas of your lifestyle are also considered dimensions of overall Wellness. They include: social connectedness, exercise, nutrition, sleep and mindfulness. Each one has an impact on your physical and mental health. By making simple and healthy choices on a daily basis, you will be well on your way towards reducing stress, having positive social interactions and achieving optimal wellness, he added.

‘Well to do kitchen pharmacy’, a video competition anchored by Prof. MitaKotecha was screened. The importance of herbal ingredients in our daily life was highlighted as a simple remedy for common diseases. Happiness Yoga, video display of yoga and meditation created awareness amongst the masses to bring happiness and relaxation in daily life. Alignment of mind at workplace is important and possible through Yogasana.

Shri Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary AYUSH, in his keynote addresstalked about the Ayush wisdom and the verticals of wellness, correctness of nutrition, water, sanitation, etc. We need to visualise how the wellness of a person can be achieved. He highlighted about individual responsibility from nature to nurture, a way of life, and the corrective actions of nature as well as  Social and environmentally responsible behaviour as a key towards wellness.

The programme was moderated by Prof. PawankumarGodatwar, NIA.The panel discussion continued with Global health Statistics in context of India, health and wellness concept. Eastern and western view of wellness and therapeutic wellness correlation was well discussed by the panellists:HR Nagendra, Chancellor SVYSA; Prof. Abhimanyu Kumar, VC, DSRRAU, Dr. G Geetakrishnan, WHO, Shri. Jayant Sahasrabudhe, National Org. Secretary, VIBHA, Vd. Partap Chauhan, Jeeva Ayurveda, Vd. Nitin Agrawal, Bliss Ayurveda and, Vd. Ramanathan, Sitaramayurveda.

Around 300 confirmed registrations and more than 50 Resource persons had an interactive sharing of thoughts and offered advice for the much needed paradigm shift from focus on mere health to a more wholesome concept of ‘Wellness’. This wholesome focus reiterated the renaming of 12,000 ‘Primary Health Centres’ as ‘AYUSH Wellness’ centres.

Daily News Bulletin

Keekli Bureau
Keekli Bureau
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