March 12, 2025

Order U/S 34 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005.


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In pursuance to the order No. Rev (DMC) (C) 202/2021COVID19III dated 08-012022 & No. Rev(DMC) (C) 202/2021COVID19IV dated 09012022 issued by the Chief SecretarycumChairman, SEC, Himachal Pradesh and in continuation to this office order No. SMLADM (L&O)/COVID193449 dated 05012020, I, Aditya Negi, IAS, Chairman, District Disaster Management AuthoritycumDistrict Magistrate, Shimla exercising the powers conferred in me under Section 34 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, do hereby order and direct that:

1. All educational institutions (Government, Semi Government of Private) which include Schools/ Colleges/ Universities/ Academic / Institutions/ Engineering Polytechnic Colleges/ ITI/ Coaching Centres shall remain closed up to 26-01 2022 in the district. The Residential schools will also remain closed for the period. All Nursing and medical Colleges will however remain open and will ensure observance of the COVID-19 SOPs and safety protocols issued by the Health Department. All the Offices of Government Departments/ PSU/ Local Bodies/ Autonomous

2. Bodies including the HP Secretariat will remain closed on Saturdays & Sundays (5 working days a week) and these offices will operate with the 50% attendance in working days. These restrictions will not be on offices dealing with emergency or essential services such as health, police, fire, banks. electricity, water & sanitation, public transport, telecom, excise, budget and related incident servicesactivities etc. HODsi Controlling officers shall issue roster order accordingly. However, the Honble High Court of Himachal Pradesh will issue separate orders with respect to the Honble High Court and all other judicial offices. 

3. All social and religious gatherings shall be completely banned in the districtOther gatherings/ congregations like academic/ sports, entertainment/ cultural/ political are permitted up to 50% of the capacity, subject to maximum of 100 persons in indoor built up/ covered areas (whichever is lower) and in open spaces/ outdoor areas permitted up to 50% of the capacity, subject to 300 persons (whichever is lower). It shall be mandatory for the organizer to get the prior permission for organising any such activity from the SubDivisional Magistrates concerned. The permission shall be obtained at least one week before the date of event/ function.

4. Alongwith Religious places/ places of worship there shall be total ban on Langar/ Community Kitchens/ Dhaams in all places in the district. 5. All the markets/ shops will be allowed to open between 10.00 AM to 7.00 PM. There shall be no restriction on the timing of Pharmacies/ Chemist shops and they shall remain open as per their usual timings. All the shopkeepers and buyers shall ensure compliance of related orders issued by the undersigned from time to time and follow COVID-19 appropriate behaviour and safety protocol. The DFSC, Shimla will keep regular check regarding compliance of COVID-19 related protocol and SOPs by the owners of all the shops/ commercial establishments.  Shops of Motor Mechanics/ Tyre puncture shall be allowed to remain open till 11.00 PM. Restaurants and Dhabas allowed to remain open till 10.00 PM. Restaurants  and Dhabas situated on the National Highways are allowed to remain open till 11.00 PM.

5. All the SubDivisional Magistrates in Shimla district shall be competent to  impose any further restrictions depending upon the positivity rate, number of cases etc.

6. All the SubDivisional Magistrates shall be competent to deploy angovernment employee/ employers who otherwise is/ are not performing any duties or not coming to their offices because of the direction by any authority, and depute them for any duty relating to vaccination, surveillance, monitoring of persons under home isolation, manning the check posts, making data entry or monitoring, calling home isolated patients, etc. as per the requirements to contain the spread of COVID19 pandemic. 10. It shall be the responsibility of Superintendent of Police, concerned Sub Divisional magistrates and the representatives of concerned PRIS/ ULBs to implement this order within their jurisdictionThis order shall come into force w.e.f. 10012022 (6 AM) to 24012022 (6 PM) Except Sr. No. 1, which shall be applicable till 26012022 in the entire territorial jurisdiction of Shimla District

Violation of this order shall attract provisions of Section 51 to 60 of Disaster Management Act, 2005 and Section 188 of IPC. The violators shall be prosecuted accordingly

Daily News Bulletin


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