Department of Environment, Science Technology & Climate Change (GoHP) and Healing Himalayas organised half day workshop on “Stakeholders discussions on Solid Waste Management & Plastic Waste Management in India” today on 4th June 2023 at Hotel Larisa, Shimla. The objective of conducting this workshop was to preserve the pristine beauty of the Himalayas, strategies for impactful on-ground efforts and scaling up operations. All stakeholders involved in waste management engaged for insightful discussions on various challenges that are prevailing to make India plastic free. (Click to see all videos)
Lalit Jain, Director of Department of Environment, Science Technology & Climate Change (GoHP) briefed about the initiatives taken by Department for Solid Waste Management and Single Use Plastic, he also explained about Buy-Back Policy to the participants. Opening remarks were given by Dr.Pradeep Sangwan, Founder Healing Himalayas.
Dr. Suresh Attri, Chief Scientist, DEST&CC, GoHP, Rupa Mishra, Joint Secretary, UDD, SWM, GoI and Mr Shyam Lal Punia explained about government initiatives on Solid Waste Management & Plastic Waste. Sat Pal Dhiman, Joint Member Secretary (HIMCOSTE) told that great work for disposal of solid and plastic waste in schools, colleges through eco clubs have been done successfully.
Deepak Sharma from Art of Living briefed about the activities done by Art of Living in Various States of Country. Ms. Diya Mirza, UNEP Goodwill Ambassador highlighted about waste management and various challenges faced by Country. She said, as responsible citizens, we need to become more mindful about how much waste we are generating and where it is going. Waste Warriors representatives also gave presentation on Solid Waste.
Detailed discussions among participants were held especially on recycling waste, operations on collection, disposal, amplifying the Life Mission at a larger scale for waste management and climate resilience, zero waste, ecosystem, increasing deaddiction among sanitary workers, enforcement of waste management policies within tourism department. Around 80 participants from various stakeholders departments were present on this occasion.
समर फेस्टिवल के दौरान ‘शिमला तो शिमला है’ काव्य पुस्तक का विमोचन समारोह
Great initiatives👍👏👏