March 12, 2025

St. Thomas School’s Class X Toppers Set The Bar High With Remarkable Results


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In a remarkable display of academic prowess, students of St. Thomas School have achieved stellar results in the recently declared Class X board examinations. Pradyun Dharma has emerged as the top scorer, securing an impressive 92%, thereby securing the coveted first position. Prity Kumari Jha secured the second position with an exceptional score of 88%, while Rudraksh Shrivastava claimed the third position with a commendable 84%.

These exceptional students have not only excelled in their respective subjects but have also demonstrated an unwavering commitment to their studies. Their remarkable performance is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and the guidance provided by their teachers and parents.

Results Of Post Codes Not Requiring Vigilance Inquiry Will Be Declared Within A Week : CM

Daily News Bulletin


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