March 13, 2025

Tag: Dance


A Mix of Talent & Culture as Auckyites Shine at Middle Day Annual Celebrations Middle Day Annual Day of Auckland House School, Shimla, was celebrated with grandeur today. The event witnessed the presence of Dr. Preeti Kanwar...

Perseverance is the key to success: Kaavya Verma

Kaavya Verma, Class X school topper, Loreto Convent Tara Hall, Shimla, talks about her typical day and how she managed stress and prepared for...

Vibrant Colours of India Portrayed through Dance Performances by Class I & II Edwardians

Annual Day is the most anticipated event in a school’s academic year. The annual function for Classes I and II, St Edwards School, was...

Auckland Boys Captivate Audience with Indian Folk Dance Moves — Inter House Dance Competition

An Inter House Dance Competition was held at Auckland House School for Boys as the event was judged by Vishal Badhawan, Choreographer, Vishal's Dance...

दयानन्द में भरतनाट्यम व ओड़ीसी नृत्य का उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन

कीकली ब्यूरो, 12 सितम्बर, 2019, शिमलाहिमाचल प्रदेश विश्वविद्यालय प्रतिस्पन्दन सोसायटी के सौजन्य से दयानन्द पब्लिक स्कूल में एकदिवसीय प्रातकालीन सभा में भरतनाट्यम व ओड़ीसी...

Art Excellence during 64th All India Dance and Drama Competition 

Ritanjali Hastir, Associate Editor, 8th June, 2019, ShimlaThe on going 64th All India Association Dance and Drama Competition is giving spectators a brilliant entertainment...

Daily News Bulletin