Game-Changing Strategies For Electric Vehicle Evolution In India: DST
Experts across different areas connected to Electric Vehicles (EV) sector highlighted the need for synergy between the industry and academia to facilitate innovation and...
DST’s Swachhata Campaign: Achievements And Commitment To Special Campaign 3.0
Drawing inspiration from Prime Minister’s vision to institutionalize Swachhata and minimize pendency in Government, the DST had actively participated in the Nationwide cleanliness drive,...
CSIR-NIScPR’s One Week One Lab Program Promotes Scientific Integration
Dr. Akhilesh Gupta, Secretary, Science Engineering Research Board (SERB) and Senior Advisor, Department of Science and Technology (DST), highlighted the need for an an...
Around 2000 Understudies Participated in RSC’s Worldwide Coin Experiment
The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Council for Industry and Scientific Research (CSIR) have cooperated to help an effort program intended to advance...
India’s First Pilot Plant to Convert High Ash Coal to Methanol Can Accelerate Country’s Journey Towards Clean Technology
India has developed an indigenous technology to convert high ash Indian coal to methanol and established its first pilot plant in Hyderabad. This technology...
National Level Exhibition of the Inspire Awards – Manak Featuring Student Innovations from All over India Commences
PIB Delhi -- The 8th National Level Exhibition and Project Competition (NLEPC) for the INSPIRE Awards – MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge),...