March 10, 2025

Tag: Kedar Thakur


Promoting Arts among Young Students by Building their Skills in Theatre – Upcoming Children’s Theatre Festival

Vandana Bhagra, ShimlaChildren's Theatre Festival, to be held from 27-29 September, 2024, organized by Keekli Charitable Trust, is an initiative aimed at promoting...

A Croatian Romantic Comedy in Hindustani at Gaiety – The Doll, Directed by Kedar Thakur

The latest production of Sankalp Rangmandal titled The Doll, deals with the complex relationship between a man and an AI doll, and is set...

Sankalp Rangmandal’s ‘Popcorn’ play staged at St.Thomas’ School

A play titled 'Popcorn' was staged at St. Thomas’ School, Shimla on Monday, June 24. The play was presented by Sankalp Rangmandal Shimla in...

बाल रंगमंच महोत्सव — अंतर-विद्यालय हिंदी नाटक प्रतियोगिता 14-15 अक्तूबर

आर्य समाज स्कूल, शिमला - यू सिंह लापता हैस्वर्ण पब्लिक स्कूल, टूटीकंडी, शिमला - सालिगराम की चिट्ठीचैप्सली स्कूल, शिमला – गुमशुदाराजकीय उत्कृष्ट वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक...

Face Audience; Speak Louder & Clearer — Theatre Workshop by Vivek Mohan creative art form and guiding the next generation to draw them towards theatre is all about engaging then in skill building exercises. Noted...

Characterization, Team Art & Rehearsals — Theatre Workshop at Himalaya Public School

 Inching closer to the final days when 15 schools will compete in the upcoming Inter-School Hindi Drama Competition, the focus of the event still...

Daily News Bulletin