October 28, 2024

Tag: Neelam Bhatt


Building a Character or Devising a Plot: Learn the Art of Story Writing

Sonia Dogra & Vandana Bhagra There is no short-cut to successful writing, nor is there any comprehensive lecture. You can be guided but it is...

Keekli’s 2021 Story Writing Competition Results – 51 Short Stories to Be Published

51 Top Stories have been selected to be published as an Anthology of Short Stories by Children. The Final list of Winners is shared...

ऐसी क्या ख़ास थी… — नीलम भट्ट

इस उम्मीद के साथ कि यह समय हमें अधिक मानवीय बनाएग, प्रस्तुत है, कविताओं की कड़ी में एक और कविता... ऐसी क्या ख़ास थी! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye81uHeE6XQNeelam...

Keekli Story Writing Competition — Our Panel of Judges

We wish to introduce our esteemed panel of Judges, who have taken time out of their busy schedules to meticulously review all your submissions...

ज़िंदगी…जी भरके अभी जीना है इसे! — नीलम भट्ट

ज़िंदगी को, उसके हर पल को जी भरके जीना ज़रूरी है... और यह बात जितनी शिद्दत से इस समय महसूस हो रही है, शायद...

यह समय — नीलम भट्ट

This time is the best and the worst of times. The poem sums up whatever was felt during the Corona pandemic. The time when...