Shimla, Dec. 1 Keekli Bureau

Vicente Fox was inaugurated as president of Mexico, ending the dominance of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which had ruled since 1929.
The first World AIDS Day was held.
The Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 countries, making the Antarctic continent a demilitarized zone to be preserved for scientific research.
American filmmaker Woody Allen—who was best known for his bittersweet comic movies containing elements of parody, slapstick, and the absurd—was born.
Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Italy signed the Pact of Locarno, a series of agreements intended to guarantee peace in western Europe.
Russian Emperor Alexander I died unexpectedly in southern Russia.
General Andrew Jackson, commander of the U.S. Army of the Southwest, hastened to defend New Orleans, Louisiana, against British invasion; a series of skirmishes over the next few weeks culminated in the Battle of New Orleans.
Marie Tussaud, the founder of Madame Tussaud’s museum of wax figures, was born in France.