February 18, 2025

This Day in the History


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Shimla, Oct 17, Keekli Bureau

This Day in History


Recreational marijuana became legal in Canada.


The Colbert Report—an ironic send-up of television news programs, hosted by Stephen Colbert—debuted on Comedy Central; it ran until 2014.


American rapper and actor Eminem, who was one of the most controversial and best-selling artists of the early 21st century, was born.


The American action film Bullitt was released; it features Steve McQueen in what many consider his definitive role and is also known for its iconic car-chase sequence.


The American classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, starring James Stewart, had its world premiere; although it angered the political establishment, the drama won wide acclaim from the public and film industry.


American actress Rita Hayworth, whose portrayal of seductresses helped earn her the nickname “The Love Goddess,” was born.


British and French troops began the Siege of Sevastopol during the Crimean War.


British General John Burgoyne surrendered his troops following his shocking defeat in the Second Battle of Saratoga.


German Baroque composer Johann Sebastian Bach married his cousin Maria Barbara Bach at Dornheim.


The last major effort by Crusaders to free the Balkans from Ottoman rule began with the second Battle of Kosovo in Serbia, in which a Hungarian-Walachian army suffered a crushing defeat.


At the Battle of Neville’s Cross, the English defeated the Scots, who, as allies of the French, had invaded England in an attempt to distract Edward III from the siege of Calais, France.

Daily News Bulletin

Keekli Bureau
Keekli Bureau
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