A Spokesperson of State Taxes and Excise, informed here today that the Department conducted a two day training programme on 17th and 18th August, 2022 at Shimla on Excise E-Governance function for implementing the Track and Trace system in the state. The objective of the training was to impart hands-on experience to the field officers and officials of the department on the newly developed excise E-Governance application proposed to be rolled out soon.
He said that training programme is as per the project requirement of the Himachal Pradesh Public Finance Management- Capacity Building (HPPFM-CB), a world bank guided project and is being imparted by the System Integrator in the project M/s TCIL and C-Tel Infosystems and was focused on different modules of the application intended to end to end computerization of the hitherto manual processes. South zone Districts viz. Shimla, Solan, Sirmaur, Kinnaur and RD BBN along with Zonal level Officials participated in the training. The department intends to conduct such training in two other zones as well as for the various external stakeholders in the coming days. The Inaugural and the Concluding sessions were presided over by Dr. Rajeev Dogra, Additional Commissioner, State Taxes and Excise. Participation Certificates were awarded to the participants on the conclusion of the programme.