Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur presided over a high level meeting with senior officers to review the Covid-19 situation in the State, here today. It was decided that all educational institutions of the State would remain close till 1 May, 2021 and faculty of schools, colleges and universities would also not come to their duty. The State Government also decided to put complete ban on transfers of field functional staff.
Chief Minster said that he recently visited three districts of the State and took stock of the Covid-19 situation. The state Cabinet meeting would be held on 22 April to take few more decisions to contain the spread of Covid-19 virus. He directed the officers to enhance the bed capacity in the hospitals. He said that steps would be taken to ensure proper availability of oxygen and medical staff in the State. He said that bed capacity would be enhanced in Nerchowk Medical College, IGMC Shimla, Zonal Hospital Dharamshala, Tanda Medical College, Sunder Nagar Hospital and various other hospitals. He said that health workers would be posted in appropriate number for care of Covid-19 patients.
He said that special emphasis was being laid on providing better health care and other facilities to the patients under home isolation.
He said that the vaccination drive has been given added pace in the State and so far 11.46 lakh people have been inoculated the first dose. The state was on 7th position in the vaccination drive in the country on the basis of population density rate.
Health Minister Dr. Rajiv Saizal, Chief Secretary Anil Khachi, ACSs R.D. Dhiman and J.C.Sharma, Secretary Health Amitabh Awasthi, Mission Director NHM, Himachal Dr. Nipun Jindal and Medical Superintendent, IGMC Shimla Dr. Janak Raj were present in the meeting.